Acceptance Of This Agreement

Your access to and use of ("the Website") is subject exclusively to these Terms and Conditions. You will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions. By using the Website, you are fully accepting the terms, conditions, and disclaimers contained in this notice. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you must immediately stop using the Website. (“Reviewal”) is a trading entity under the trading name TCPX LLP.


The contents of the Website do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making or refraining from making any decision. Changes to the Website, Software, and Services Reviewal reserves the right to: change or remove (temporarily or permanently) the Website or any part of it without notice and you confirm that Reviewal shall not be liable to you for any such change or removal. change, remove, or discontinue any software, service, or promotion (including but not limited to any provisions, parts thereof, licensing, pricing) as advertised on the Website at any time without notice and you confirm that Reviewal shall not be liable for any such change or removal. change or discontinue any promotional discount vouchers or coupon codes at any time with notice and you confirm that Reviewal shall not be liable for any such change or removal. change this Agreement at any time, and your continued use of the Website following any changes shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change.

Links to Third-Party Websites

The Website may include links to third-party websites that are controlled and maintained by others. Any link to other websites is not an endorsement of such websites, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the content or availability of any such sites.


The Intellectual Property Rights in the Website and the materials on or accessible via it belong to Reviewal or its licensors. The Website and the materials on or accessible via it and the Intellectual Property Rights therein may not be copied, distributed, published, licensed, used, or reproduced in any way (save to the extent strictly necessary for, and for the purposes of, accessing and using the Website). Reviewal and the Reviewal Logo are trademarks which belong to Reviewal, and they may not be used, copied, or reproduced in any way without written consent from Reviewal. For these purposes, "Intellectual Property Rights" includes the following (wherever and whenever arising and for the full term of each of them): any patent, trademark, trade name, service mark, service name, design, design right, copyright, database right, moral rights, know-how, trade secret and other confidential information, rights in the nature of any of these items in any country, rights in the nature of unfair competition rights and rights to sue for passing off or other similar intellectual or commercial right (in each case, whether or not registered or registrable) and registrations of and applications to register any of them.

Limitation Of Liability

The Website is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, and accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, Reviewal will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatever (including without limitation loss of business, opportunity, data, profits) arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website. Reviewal makes no warranty that the functionality of the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed so as to exclude or limit the liability of Reviewal for death or personal injury as a result of the negligence of Reviewal or that of its employees or agents.


You agree to indemnify and hold Reviewal and its employees and agents harmless from and against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims or actions brought against Reviewal arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of the Website.


You agree to indemnify and hold Reviewal and its employees and agents harmless from and against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims or actions brought against Reviewal arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of the Website. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable or indications of the same are received by either you or us from any relevant competent authority, we shall amend that provision in such reasonable manner as achieves the intention of the parties without illegality or, at our discretion, such provision may be severed from this Agreement and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Applicable Law and Dispute This Agreement and all matters arising from it are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic and whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising in connection with this Agreement and the place of performance of this Agreement is agreed by you to be Prague, Czech Republic.


Headings are included in this Agreement for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions together with any documents expressly referred to in them, contain the entire Agreement between us relating to the subject matter covered and supersede any previous Agreements, arrangements, undertakings or proposals, written or oral: between us in relation to such matters. No oral explanation or oral information given by any party shall alter the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions. In agreeing to these terms and conditions, you have not relied on any representation other than those expressly stated in these terms and conditions and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not been made expressly in this Agreement.

Company Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will explain how our organization uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our website. What data do we collect? How do we collect your data? How will we use your data? How do we store your data? What are your data protection rights? What are cookies? How do we use cookies? What types of cookies do we use? How to manage your cookies Privacy policies of other websites Changes to our privacy policy How to contact us How to contact the appropriate authorities What data do we collect?

Data Collected

Personal identification information Name, email address, phone number, images, basic property information including but not limited to area, number of rooms, price and address. How do we collect your data? You directly provide our company with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you: Register online or place an order for any of our products or services. Voluntarily complete a form or provide feedback on any of our Use or view our website via your browser's cookies. Our Company may also receive your data indirectly from the following sources: Geolocation based on address of property

How will we use your data?

Our Company,, collects your data so that we can: Process your order, manage your account. Email you with special offers on other products and services we think you might like. If you agree, Our Company will share your data with our partner companies so that they may offer you their products and services.